
Alphemy Capital SA

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 6867505

Corporate information

Official name
Alphemy Capital SA
Registration country


Alphemy Capital is an innovative investment manager committed to exceptional outcomes for our clients. Driven by a fundamental and compelling investment strategy, we pursue a dynamic approach to managing a portfolio of blockchain-based digital assets. Alphemy Capital was founded to give qualified investors an exposure to the assets of the future. Our asset management platform is governed by a robust control framework and subject to regulatory oversight. Our founders have been immersed in crypto-asset industry since 2011, having gained exceptional expertise in fundamentally understanding and recognising promising technologies and their development cycle (who, what and when). We invest exclusively in technologies and applications that will constitute the fundamental infrastructure of the future global economy. Our investment team believes profoundly in Web 3.0 decentralised web protocols which utilize modern cryptographic methods to safeguard decentralisation and which will ensure the sustainable growth of the future fair internet. Our core team has 30+ years of combined expertise in emergent blockchain technology, with extensive experience in traditional finance, corporate governance and business administration. The founders have participated through the early history of the digital asset industry and have established strong relationships within its ecosystem.

Funding rounds

Top investment portfolio themes

Actual initial investment stage
N/A (1)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Profile Country Date Funding
Coinlist (ATS Inc) Token listing platform and a crypto exchange. N/A Initial investment

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
