Corporate information

Official name
AssureRx Health Inc
Registration country

Company type

Personalized medicine company specializing in pharmacogenetics

Funding rounds

Series C USD 12,500,000

USD 12,500,000 ( )

Profile Country
Alafi Capital Co LLC
Allos Ventures Early-stage venture capital in the Midwest.
Children's Hospital Medical Center
CincyTech USA Public-private seed-stage investor with a focus on high potential technology companies in Southwest Ohio.
Claremont Creek Ventures (CCV) Venture capital firm investing in early stage information technology companies.
Four Rivers Group
jVen Capital
Mayo Clinic
Sequoia Capital Operations LLC (Sequoia) Venture capital firm.

Debt USD 8,000,000

USD 8,000,000 ( )

Profile Country
Alafi Capital Co LLC
Allos Ventures Early-stage venture capital in the Midwest.
Children's Hospital Medical Center
CincyTech USA Public-private seed-stage investor with a focus on high potential technology companies in Southwest Ohio.
Claremont Creek Ventures (CCV) Venture capital firm investing in early stage information technology companies.
Four Rivers Group
jVen Capital
Mayo Clinic
Sequoia Capital Operations LLC (Sequoia) Venture capital firm.

Series B USD 11,000,000

USD 11,000,000 ( )

Profile Country
Allos Ventures Early-stage venture capital in the Midwest.
Claremont Creek Ventures (CCV) Venture capital firm investing in early stage information technology companies.
Sequoia Capital Operations LLC (Sequoia) Venture capital firm.

Seed USD 8,000,000

USD 8,000,000 ( )

Profile Country
Blue Chip Venture Co

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
