Country Profile Funding round Value Date
Pipedrive Buyout BV Database on private company information for innovative companies & start-ups. Series A EUR 2,750,000
Crunchbase Series C USD 30,000,000
DueDil Ltd From due diligence to deal prospecting, DueDil helps businesses make data-informed decisions. Debt GBP 3,500,000
DueDil Ltd From due diligence to deal prospecting, DueDil helps businesses make data-informed decisions. Series C GBP 8,000,000
Pipedrive Series C USD 50,000,000
Cyndx Networks LLC Financial technology company helping people discover business opportunities. Venture
Github Inc Acquisition BV Database on private company information for innovative companies & start-ups. N/A
Global Venture 100 Ltd Crowdfunding - Equity GBP 24,700


Standard & Poor's US 1
AOL Inc US 1
Microsoft Corp US 1
Morningstar Inc US 1
AngelList LLC US 1


Social network connecting entrepreneurs, advisors, and investors.

Information resource about global M&A, PE and VC activity.

From due diligence to deal prospecting, DueDil helps businesses make data-informed decisions.

Financial technology company helping people discover business opportunities.

Crowdfunding platform for consumer product companies

Database on private company information for innovative companies & start-ups.

AI-driven investor discovery platform

CRM inside your inbox.

App store data analytics and market intelligence company for the iOS Store, Mac Store, and Android Store.