Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 6217721

Corporate information

Company type

Early-stage sector agnostic venture firm in the Blockchain industry anchored by IOHK and managed by Wave Financial.


cFund is an early-stage sector agnostic venture firm in the Blockchain industry anchored by IOHK and managed by Wave Financial. The firm is a dedicated team of investors and entrepreneurs zealous about blockchain technology and digital assets looking to back ambitious founders globally.


Funding rounds

Top investment portfolio themes

Actual initial investment stage
Seed (1)
N/A (1)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Profile Date Funding
Ardana (DANA) Asset-backed stablecoin protocol and decentralised exchange stable asset liquidity pool built on Cardano. Private Round Initial investment
Occam FI (OCC) N/A Initial investment
SundaeSwap (SUNDAE) Decentralised trading protocol on Cardano. Seed Initial investment

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
