
OrbiMed Advisors LLC
767 Third Avenue
30th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 29979

Corporate information

Official name
OrbiMed Advisors Limited Liability Company
Registration country

Company type

American investment firm focused on making public and private investments in the healthcare and biotechnology industries.


OrbiMed invests globally across the healthcare industry, from start-ups to large multinational corporations, through a range of private equity funds, public equity funds, and royalty/credit funds. OrbiMed seeks to be a capital provider of choice, providing tailored financing solutions and extensive global team resources to help build world-class healthcare companies. OrbiMed’s team of over 100 professionals is based in New York City, San Francisco, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Herzliya, and other key global markets.

Funding rounds

Investment preferences

Investment focus themes
Top investment portfolio themes

Actual initial investment stage
N/A (2)
Venture (1)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
