Mr Nikolay Savchuk, PhD

KANDO id: 1046092


Nikolay Savchuk Ph.D. is a serial entrepreneur and an experienced international investor in healthcare and IT industries for 23 years. Dr. Savchuk is the co-founder and Managing Partner at Torrey Pines Investment LLC (San Diego, CA), CEO of ChemDiv, Member of the Board at Avelas ( San Diego, CA), ChemRar High Tech Center, ChemRar Ventures (Moscow, Russia), and Chairman of the Board of Directors of its companies: Chemical Diversity Research Institute, Viriom, NewVac, TeaRx, and SatRx, co-chair of Joint Investment Committees between ChemRar Ventures and JJDC (New Brunswick, NJ), Torrey Pines Investment and BioMotiv (Cleveland, OH). Dr. Savchuk is a member of U.S.-Russian Bilateral Presidential Commission’s Working Group on Health, a member of the expert council of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives and New Projects of the Russian government, member on the board of the non-profit BioPharmClutster Northern, co-founder and member of the advisory board Initiative «PhysTech 21« and the Director for Strategic Development of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Dr. Savchuk was a co-founder of the Inel Group of IT and media companies in Singapore and Russia and managed several of its companies. The scope of main interest of Dr. Savchuk is life sciences including rational drug design, drug discovery and digital health technologies. Dr. Savchuk lead and continues to manage successful investments in pharmaceutical and drug development companies. Dr. Savchuk obtained the MS degree in physics in 1994 and Ph.D. in applied mathematics in 2000 from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, inventor and author of over 100 patents and research publications.


Torrey Pines Investment

Specialty life-science investment company located in San Diego.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +1 (858) 794-4860 ext 310
