Mr Rawle Michelson

KANDO id: 35980


Founded Gargoyle Partners in 2002 and joined FPG through the combination of the two firms in 2005. Responsible for FPG’s activities in Europe. In addition, leads FPG’s Mergers & Acquisitions practice. Experienced investment banker with more than 25 years of investment banking experience in both Europe and the US with leading worldwide investment banks. Spent ten years with Morgan Stanley, six years with Merrill Lynch International and seven years with Bankers Trust / Deutsche Bank. Specialised in the Chemicals and Healthcare industries for the last 10 years and, prior to founding Gargoyle Partners in 2002, was the Head of European Mergers & Acquisitions Chemicals and Healthcare for Deutsche Bank in London. MBA from Harvard Business School in 1981 and degrees in Economics, Mathematics and French Literature from the University of California, Davis.
