
Guanqun Investment UK
United Kingdom

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 1051775

Corporate information

Registration country


Guanqun Investment UK, headquartered in London, invests in seed stage innovative startups across UK and Europe.

We identify game-changing startups aiming to improve people's lives. Our goal is to help these startups to grow and let more people benefit from the innovations created by them in a more efficient manner. We provide startups with necessary support in terms of financials and advises on directions. Ultimately, we could help companies in the UK easily access to China and the rest of Asian market with our prestigious knowledge and sources.

Funding rounds

Investment preferences

Stage focus
Actual initial investment stage
Seed (1)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Profile Country Date Funding
Geomiq Online data-driven manufacturing marketplace building a sustainable supply chain by directly connecting design engineers with manufacturers. Seed Initial investment led the round

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
