
Unicorn Biotechnologies
United Kingdom

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KANDO id: 7013476

Corporate information

Also known as
Unicorn Bio
Registration country

Company type

Affordable and scalable biomanufacturing.


Cellular agriculture uses biology to grow meat from cells, not animals. The problem is that re-purposed biomanufacturing equipment makes manufacturing cost prohibitive. Unicorn Biotechnologies is developing an automated, fit-for-purpose biomanufacturing system that scales 90% faster, increases product quality and saves customers millions. They have working prototypes at their labs and are beta testing their platform with industry partners. Unicorn Biotechnologies will open up a new multi-billion-dollar market and drive the transition to animal free agriculture.

Funding rounds

Profile Country Notes
Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP Tehnology incubator that invests in individuals “pre-team, pre-idea” to help create new technology startups. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
