Corporate information

Official name
Veriqloud SAS
Registration country

Company type

Technology company specializing in quantum network solutions.


VeriQloud is a start-up based in Paris, founded in 2017 developing quantum communication solutions. It has been founded by Marc Kaplan, Elham Kashefi and Josh Nunn. Marc Kaplan has studied quantum effects on cryptography for more than a decade. He graduated from Université Paris-Saclay and worked at Université de Montréal under the supervision of Gilles Brassard, one of the inventors of quantum cryptography. He is currently the CEO of VeriQloud. Elham Kashefi graduated from Imperial College. She is currently research director at CNRS, professor at University of Edinburgh, and CSO of VeriQloud. She has developed several quantum communication protocols, most notably pioneering the field of secure delegated quantum cloud computing. Josh Nunn graduated from University of Oxford, where he also held a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, before becoming a reader at University of Bath. He is specialized in quantum photonics, and also co-founded the startup ORCA computing in the UK. He is currently a scientific advisor at VeriQloud.

Funding rounds

N/A EUR 1,900,000

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Profile Country Notes
Quantonation Ventures Early-stage venture capital firm dedicated to deep physics and quantum technologies. Initial investment.
WinEquity SAS French venture capital fund that invests in startups with at least one female founder. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
