
Volatile AI
United Kingdom

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KANDO id: 7012609

Corporate information

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Making digital olfaction a reality.


Volatile AI is on a mission to make digital olfaction a reality. Their solution combines gas sensors with AI to profile food flavours, allowing food waste preemption, tighter quality control and food production process optimisation. The solution offers a much easier to use and cheaper alternative to traditional chromatographic analysis, which is a $10bn market today. They engage customers through POCs to gather data for the initial flavour dataset. Once completed, we deploy our mixed hardware and software solution on a monthly fee basis.

Funding rounds


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Profile Country Notes
Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP Tehnology incubator that invests in individuals “pre-team, pre-idea” to help create new technology startups. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
