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KANDO id: 7012593

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Turning one line of text into scroll-stopping video in less than a minute instead of weeks.


86% of marketers are using videos in their campaigns. 74% say their biggest obstacle to creating more videos is time. With Zebracat, customers get from idea to scroll-stopping video in less than a minute instead of weeks. We remove the major bottleneck in the $150B digital video content market: human footage selection & editing. This is now possible due to the recent AI advancement of multi-modal video understanding. One of the top computer vision scientists worldwide, Prof. Thomas Brox, has joined us as an advisor. We have built a prototype and generated more than 200 videos for marketers across industries in exchange for feedback. We just started with first paid videos and have 3 marketing agencies lined up for pilots.

Funding rounds

Profile Country Notes
Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP Tehnology incubator that invests in individuals “pre-team, pre-idea” to help create new technology startups. Initial investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

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