Recent investment activity
KANDO id: 274607
Company type
Developer and operator of websites.Funding rounds
Investment activity status
Not investing
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If your company is not in the database, you can add it by selecting "Add" > "Add company" in order to create a profile. (You need to be logged in to do this.)
After you have created your company profile, click on the "Find investors" button to generate a list of investors for it.
Open the company profile which you have created, and click on the "Find investors" button under the logo to generate a list of investors for it.
Open the company profile, and click on the "Find investors" button under the logo to generate a list of investors for it.
Once our AI has generated your investor list, click on "My projects" to see it.
Once our AI has generated your investor list, click on "My projects" menu item to see it.