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KANDO id: 14398274

Corporate information

Official name
Pasqal SAS
Registration country

Company type

Quantum computing company.

Funding rounds

Series B EUR 100,000,000

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Profile Country Notes
Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd Singapore's sovereign wealth fund. Initial investment. Led the round.
Initial investment.
Bpifrance Investissement Initial investment. (Investment through its Large Venture Fund)
European Innovation Council Fund (EIC Fund) Initial investment.
Wa’ed Ventures Initial investment.
Daphni SAS Seed and early-stage venture capital firm investing in tech startups with a European DNA and a strong international ambition. Follow-on investment.
Defense Innovation Fund Follow-on investment.
Eni Next Follow-on investment.
Quantonation Ventures Early-stage venture capital firm dedicated to deep physics and quantum technologies. Follow-on investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
