

Poloniex LLC
1001 S Main Street
Suite 600
Kalispell, MT 59901
United States

Open map

Poloniex LLC
1001 S Main Street
Suite 600
Kalispell, MT 59901
United States

Open map

KANDO id: 525675

Corporate information

Registration country

Official identities

US CIK 0001671423

Company type

Cryptocurrency exchange.

Funding rounds

Acquisition USD 400,000,000

USD 400,000,000 ( ) at USD 400,000,000 pre-money valuation

Profile Country Notes
Circle Internet Financial Inc (Circle) Consumer finance company focused on transforming the world economy with secure, simple, and less costly technology for storing and using bitcoin. USD 400,000,000 (USD 400,000,000)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
