Corporate information

Registration country

Company type

Developer of quantum computing software focused on space.

Funding rounds

Series B USD 25,000,000

USD 25,000,000 ( )

Profile Country Notes
Airbus Ventures Silicon Valley-headquartered, early-stage investment funds, financed by Airbus Group, that operate within the Airbus family of companies. Initial investment. Led the round.
Ridgeline Partners Initial investment.

Series A USD 15,000,000

USD 15,000,000 ( )

Profile Country Notes
Square Peg Capital Early stage venture capital firm. Initial investment. Led the round.
Sierra Ventures Management LLC Venture capital firm based in San Mateo, California. Initial investment.
Horizons Ventures Venture capital firm owned by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing Follow-on investment.
Main Sequence Ventures Follow-on investment.
Sequoia Capital Operations LLC (Sequoia) Venture capital firm. Follow-on investment.

Investment activity status
Active investor

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
