Investment and technology themes
KANDO id: 4341117

Token information

Also known as


Smart contract
Smart contract

Digital asset type
Blazingly fast, low cost, and eco-friendly dApps platform.
Throughput per second

Allocation details
Segment % Notes
Airdrops and rewards 64.70 %
Founding team and employees 19.30 % Founders and project
Investors 16.00 %

Project team

Team member Affiliations
Emin Gün Sirer photo

Emin Gün Sirer (founder)

Emin Gün Sirer is a Turkish-American computer scientist. He is currently an associate professor of computer science at Cornell University, co-director of IC3. He is known for his contributions to peer-to-peer systems, operating systems and computer networking. Sirer is also founder of Avalanche protocol, a project related to building computing platform using Avalanche Consensus.


List of the current and past investors into Avalanche with their respective financial instruments.

Profile Country Phone Round
Apollo Capital Management Pty Ltd Investor in crypto assets on behalf of leading family office and institutional investors in Australia and further afield. Australia N/A
CMS Holdings LLC Principal investment firm focused on making investments across the cryptoasset ecosystem. United States N/A
Digital Finance Group (DFG) Diversified business group that focuses on blockchain and digital assets. China +86 (21) 6123-7225 8006 N/A

Coin metrics

Price (USD) $ 65.9000
Circulating supply (units) 220,286,577
Market cap (USD) $ 14,516,435,993
Source CoinMarketCap OpCo LLC

Price history